haute cuisine


‘Synchronic metaphor of the diachronic. An instant soup. As here, symbolizing the New World's rejection of history, but in France there are still kitchens where soup has simmered for all of four centuries (…). Thus, a good meat broth set bubbling about the time of the League of Cambrai, bits of sausage added while Gaston de Foix was fighting in Italy, cabbage shredded in while Guises were shredding the Huguenots, a few new beef bones to celebrate the Aristocratic Fronde, fresh pork scraps for the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle (…) End of neck for the Jacobins, chitterlings code of Napoléon, bitter herbs for Elba.'
burgess | m/f | cooking

‘Roast pork and apple sauce. Sychronic sweet and savoury. Not at all French.'
burgess | m/f | cooking

'For another, the most successful mass-market edible of all time, Coca-Cola, is as abstract a composition as any in classical perfumery. I defy anyone outside the industry to name more than one ingredient in Coke flavour. In fact, I would say that it is precisely the abstraction of Coke that has made it so successful. Abstraction in flavour is not new: haute cuisine arguably begins where you cease to understand how things are made.
turin | secret of scent | coca cola

‘Mes amies préféraient les sandwiches et s'étonnaient de me voir manger seulement un gâteau au chocolat gothiquement historié de sucre ou une tarte à l'abricot. C'est qu'avec les sandwiches au chester et à la salade, nourriture ignorante et nouvelle, je n'avais rien à dire. Mais les gâteaux étaient instruits, les tartes étaient bavardes.'
proust | a la recherche du temps perdu | cooking | taste


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