the secret of scent


'For another, the most successful mass-market edible of all time, Coca-Cola, is as abstract a composition as any in classical perfumery. I defy anyone outside the industry to name more than one ingredient in Coke flavour. In fact, I would say that it is precisely the abstraction of Coke that has made it so successful. Abstraction in flavour is not new: haute cuisine arguably begins where you cease to understand how things are made.'
turin | secret of scent | haute cuisin

'Cold things have little smell, and one of the attractions of a snowy night is the total blank our nose perceives. Part of the fun of ice cream is the surprise when a huge flavour develops in the warmth of your mouth. Try this: put some strawberries and ice in a blender, give the mixture a twirl until the ice is finely crushed, wait for ten seconds, then take off the lid and smell. What you get is hard-boiled eggs, because the strawberries contain light, sulphur-containing compounds that alone manage to struggle free at this low temperature.'

turin | ice cream | smell | strawberries |


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